If you need assistance signing up, you can visit our Connection Center on Sunday mornings or call the church office. We're so glad we get to continue to worship, learn, share, and care with you week after week!
To learn more and sign up for opportunities in each of our areas of ministry, click the links below:
Office Assistants: assist with general office tasks during the work week
Register for our email lists so we can keep in touch in the ways that are best for you!
Buy a Burke UMC shirt or sweatshirt to spread the message of hope all over town
Sunday Morning Coffee Volunteers: Volunteer for Sunday morning coffee and tea service!
Altar Flower Donations: sign up for flowers is now located at the Connection Center
Communion Set Up and Clean Up: Volunteer to help with communion set up and clean up!
Acolyte Sign-Up: Choose a date to acolyte in worship
Altar Set Up: Volunteer to pick up Altar Flowers and set up the Altar for worship
Nursery Care Volunteers: During Worship
Nursery Care Volunteers: During Sunday School
Help out with Children's Church