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Lent 2024 with Burke UMC

There are many ways to connect with Burke UMC this Lenten season. 

Questions? Feel free to reach out to our church office at

Easter 2024 with Burke UMC

March 31, 2024

Join us for our Easter worship services on March 31st. We will be holding a 7 am service at Lee Chapel, as well as two traditional services at 9 am and 11 am in the Burke UMC Sanctuary. Come celebrate this special day with us!

Easter Flowers

Order flowers for $15 for the Altar on Easter Sunday. Purchase a 6” potted plant in honor or memory of a loved one. Deadline to be included in the bulletin is Monday, March 25th. Dedications will be printed in the bulletins on Sunday, March 31st.  Flowers may be picked up after the last service on Easter.

Image by Pisit Heng
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Holy Week & Easter Worship

  • Maundy Thursday: Thursday, March 28 (7:30 pm)

  • Good Friday: Friday, March 29 (7:30 pm)

  • Easter Worship: Sunday, March 31 (7 am at Lee Chapel; 9 am and 11 am in Burke UMC Sanctuary)


*Families are invited to worship together on Easter morning!

Children will not be dismissed for Children’s Church

LEARN Opportunities

Lenten Giving:


Focus on generosity with us this Lent by helping us to raise $15,000 beyond our regular operating giving! 


Financial gifts will go to support the following ministries:

  • Burke Gives Back, specifically meals for Rise Against Hunger

  • Youth and Children Ministries

  • Green Church Initiative


We hope you will begin to be in prayer about how you might be able to give during this Lenten season. Ready to give? Click HERE and select the "Lenten Giving 2024" dropdown.

LEARN Opportunities

Lenten Devotionals:

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Sign up to receive our daily Lenten Devotional to your inbox each morning during Lent!

Download the full Lenten Devotional below if you'd rather access our online version or print at home. You can also pick up a printed version at the Connection Center outside of the Sanctuary at the church.

Lenten Devotional

Lenten Opportunities:

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Sign up for our Stained Glass Stations of the Cross Project!


We are painting the Stations of the Cross again on the beautiful front windows of BUMC! Please review the available slots and sign up using this link. Individuals, families, or groups may sign up for one or more windows.


Rev Ev will be sending an email to everyone who signed up with directions on how to paint the windows, and details about the timeline for completing them this year. The time period we are painting them is March 10-March 17, so that they will be complete and viewable from March 17- Easter Sunday (March 31). Please begin considering which date and time during that week you will be available to paint your window.

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Weekly Lenten Communion Services: Wednesdays at 11:30 am

We will share in Holy Communion each Wednesday between February 21-March 27 in the Burke United Methodist Church Sanctuary. All are welcome to join us.

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Faithful Families: Lenten Resource for Families

We have books available for families to journey through Lent and Easter together this year. You can pick one up at the church beginning on Sunday, February 18. Reach out to Katie Glick with any questions!

Lent Events

Lenten LEARN Classes:

Many of our ongoing small groups will be studying Lenten material during the months of February and March. Check back using the link below to see our full LEARN offerings and how to join via Zoom or in person!

Questions? Reach out to Rev. Evelyn Archer-Taminger.

LEARN Opportunities
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