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Each January, we are encouraged to honor the life and teaching of Martin Luther King, Jr. by gathering with others in our community to participate in acts of service. While it may not be practical right now to gather in large groups, there are still many ways that we can act to strengthen our community:

Get Involved with a BUMC Group:

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Saturday, January 15 - Visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture

We have twelve tickets available to visit the museum at 10:00 a.m. Contact Susan Kinsley if you are interested in attending.


Sunday, January 16 - The Church and Advocacy

Following worship on Sunday, January 16, we will have the opportunity to hear about and discuss the history and the role of the church in advocacy and what our calling is as Christians in bringing peace and healing to God's Kingdom.




Monday, January 17 - Visit the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial 

This visit has been canceled out of an abundance of caution due to Covid cases in our area. 


Monday, January 17-Thursday, January 20 - Day For All People Virtual Sessions

This is the annual advocacy day sponsored by the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy at which people of faith and goodwill from across the state gather in Richmond to make their voices heard on economic, racial and social justice issues. There are virtual sessions all day, as well as a daily plenary session with a different justice focus. If you are interested in learning more/attending, please contact Susan Kinsley.




Beginning Tuesday, January 25, 7 pm - Want to Talk? Communications Tools for Divided Times 

This is an eight week small group opportunity that offers wisdom for navigating disagreement in a healthier way, whether in personal relationships or when working for social change. Tuesdays at 7 pm, facilitated by Jane Wilson and Susan Kinsley. 

Get Involved with the Community:

Volunteer Fairfax has a number of ways to get involved this Martin Luther King weekend including both in person and virtual opportunities! 

  • Thursday, January 13: Community Conversation: Keeping The Dream Alive - Being a Drum Major for Equity and Justice

  • Friday, January 14: Service Across the Generations

  • Saturday, January 15: Valentine's Challenge: Let's Show our Teachers some Love!

  • Monday, January 17: Give Together

  • Monday, January 17: Jam the Trolley Food Drive


You can find more information and register by using the button below.

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  • Donate new or gently used bras to Free the Girls (you can drop them off at church)

  • Volunteer for one of the many social justice ministries at Burke UMC

  • Donate food or make a monetary donation to Bure Gives Back

  • Assist Afghan refugees

  • Donate to United Methodist Committee on Relief to assist victims of recent natural disasters

  • Go through closets and drawers to find items to donate to the BUMC clothing bin

  • Donate Blood

  • Clean up trash around your neighborhood or local outdoor space

  • Buy gift cards from local restaurants or service companies and give to those in need

  • Provide your local nursing home or library with large-print books

  • Contact elderly people who live alone to check if they need anything

  • Volunteer to do general home maintenance for a senior citizen.

  • Adopt a “grandfriend" and write them letters, call them or send them goodies

  • Send birthday party decorations and gifts for children at a local shelter

  • Make and deliver hygiene kits (combs, toothbrushes, razors, etc.) to a local shelter

  • Donate art supplies for children at a local shelter

  • Offer to repair or alter clothes for people at a local shelter

  • Gather newspapers and give to a local animal shelter to line their floors

  • Purchase and deliver pet food and toys to a local animal shelter

  • Offer water, hot chocolate or snacks to sanitation workers, postal carriers or others who work outdoors

  • Make thank you cards and give them to cashiers, baristas, delivery people, etc.

  • Invite someone new to play at the playground

  • Write positive reviews to help local businesses

  • Write supportive messages to healthcare workers

  • Put a tip in a tip jar

  • Deliver meals for Meals on Wheels

  • Volunteer for a voter registration organization

  • Volunteer to convert public domain books into ebooks with

  • Use your professional skills to help a non-profit through Catch Fire

  • Become an online volunteer listener through 7Cups

  • Archive historical documents for the Smithsonian Institute

  • Don't see anything here that interests you?  Try one of the websites below:
    - Just Serve

    - Volunteer Match

    - Do Something

    - Points of Light

    - 366 Ideas (U. Nebraska)

Get Involved On Your Own Time:

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