Justice in Immigration
“The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” - Leviticus 19:34
We are in the midst of a global migration crisis fueled by conflict, violence, persecution, and climate change; threats that are often the result of the foreign, economic, and climate policies of more dominant and influential nations. As people of faith, we cannot ignore the plight of families and individuals being displaced by these and other forces. At Burke UMC, we have a history of serving and advocating for immigrants in our community through our Outreach Ministry. However, we are not fully answering God's call to love and treat the foreigner as native born (Leviticus: 19:34) unless we also understand and act to eliminate the root causes of mass migration and take a stand in support of legislation and policies necessary to build a fair and functional immigration system.
Become Informed:
Be introspective, prayerfully examining the United Methodist stance on social issues and your own beliefs and habits. Becoming a strong ally in a social justice movement requires ongoing self-reflection, learning, and openness to growth.
Be in prayer for those who are victims of social injustice and those who work to advocate for them
Become a part of a Burke UMC social justice team
Write a social justice article for the Burke UMC Connections Newsletter
Become involved in the Sanctuary Movement
Become involved in Justice for Our Neighbors
Become involved in Just Neighbors
Become involved in Church World Service
Donate to Church World Service
Rise Up:​
Attend demonstrations or protests aimed at supporting immigrants and immigration reform.