How To Sign Up for Realm
1. Click here and select ‘Sign up’ to set up a Realm login.
2. Once you have created your profile, your Realm login works on your home computer and on your mobile devices.
To sign-in from your computer, visit
To download the iOS or Android app, search for ‘Realm Connect’ in the app store.
3. If you have any questions, contact the church office at
I signed up – what now?​
Please ensure that all your personal information is correct and complete, filling in any blank information.
All persons in your household should be listed if we have their information on file. If not, please add them. For each of your family members, update, edit and fill-in all their contact and personal information, as you did for yourself. Please include birthdates for your children. Only authorized church staff can see any birthdate information for children under 18.
Select “Manage Privacy” for one of your family members. You will see a box for “Opt into Online Directory.” Checking this box is required for that person’s name to show up in the online directory.
You can change or add a profile picture by clicking on your large initial’s circle or click on the existing picture.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Realm?
Realm is the church’s online congregant database – members, regular attendees, and their family members.
Realm allows you to manage your personal information and who is allowed to see it, control your giving, sign up for volunteer opportunities, receive event reminders, and keep in touch with the groups you are a part of. You can also find contact information for other congregants who choose to share that information.
Why use Realm?
Realm helps to strengthen church connections and helps the staff and group leaders serve you more effectively. It engages everyone in the life of our church by supporting the healthy relationships essential to our church’s mission. We’ll stay organized, and you’ll stay informed about all of the opportunities for fellowship. When we share life together, we will grow together.
What about my privacy?
Your privacy is one of our greatest concerns and Realm is safe, private and secure. Realm is not a social network that is open to everyone, it is for the people of Burke UMC only. Realm keeps your data safe and gives you control over what information you share and who can see it. As many of you know, there was a texting scam this fall that stemmed from someone's password being part of a data breach. This was not a widespread problem and everyone who has administrative access to Realm has now been required to enable Two-Factor Verification. We encourage you to also create a strong password and enable Two-Factor Verification (in Realm and on your other online platforms, too!).
How do I give through Realm?
Realm gives you control over your giving. You may set up recurring gifts, make one time gifts, view your giving history, and make changes at any time. Realm automatically records all electronic gifts and adds them to your giving record making it easy for you to give, and easy for our financial assistant to track. We're excited for everyone to utilize this exciting feature!