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REALM Church Membership Database Information:

Realm is the church’s online congregant database – members, regular attendees, and their family members. 

This also creates an online directory and information for our printed directory.


If you already have an account, you can go to 

and use your login/password to access your account!


If you don't currently have an account, ou will need an emailed invitation from the church to set up an account to login to see your profile with contact information, financial giving information, what groups you are in, church events, etc.  When you log in:


  • Please ensure that all your personal information is correct and complete, filling in any blank information. 

  • All persons in your household should be listed if we have their information on file.  If not, please add them.  For each of your family members, update, edit and fill-in all their contact and personal information, as you did for yourself.   Please include birthdates for your children. Only authorized church staff can see any birthdate information for children under 18.   

  • Select “Manage Privacy” for one of your family members.  You will see a box for “Opt into Online Directory.”  Checking this box is required for that person’s name to show up in the online directory.

  • You can change or add a profile picture by clicking on your large initial’s circle or click on the existing picture. 


Privacy Settings -- For Online Database (which you can access via computer or mobile app):

Privacy settings can be set with one click for all your contact information, and “personal information” which is your birthday (just month and day will show -- the year is ONLY ever visible to “Users with permission only” as described below).  OR you can customize each of these fields to one of the options below. 


Anyone in the church: Everyone with a login, including church staff and congregants, can see your contact information and birthday. (This option is not available to children.) 


Leaders & Groups/serving team members: Fellow group members and leaders can view your personal information. If you or a family member do not have a birth date on file, this option is unavailable.  This setting also includes users with permission.


Leaders: Volunteers with leadership responsibilities can view your profile. If you or a family member do not have a birth date on file, this option is unavailable. This setting also includes users with permission.


Users with permission only: Administrators, church staff, and other people assigned by the church can view your profile and personal information.


While you can hide the majority of your information from most people, you should know that:

Regardless of your settings, your information is still visible to certain members of the church staff. Once you have a login, your name and picture are visible to all others in the Burke UMC Realm site who have a login.

Leaders are the head of any group you are in.  This includes Sunday school teachers for children. 


For the Printed Directory:

The privacy settings are different for the printed directory.  The “Anyone in the church” and “Leaders & Groups/serving team members” work the same.  If you select either of these options, the information WILL print.  “Leaders” and “Users with permission only” work the same.  If you select either of these options, the information does not print.


If either spouse has "Leaders" or " Users with permission only" setting for the address, the address will NOT be printed. 


If you have any questions, please contact Sonja at

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