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Criminal Justice Reform

Uncompromising laws and policies enacted over the last forty years guarantee that a prison cell is the destination for many who commit minor or non‐violent crimes. These laws and policies were deliberately enacted and are purposefully enforced in such a way that a disproportionate number of persons of color are currently incarcerated under this system. It is a complicated and interwoven issue, but we are called to understand its causes and effects and to assist in untangling it so that all have access to equal justice.

Become Informed:

  • Be introspective, prayerfully examining the United Methodist stance on social issues and your own beliefs and habits. Becoming a strong ally in a social justice movement requires ongoing self-reflection, learning, and openness to growth.


  • Be in prayer for those who are victims of social injustice and those who work to advocate for them

  • Volunteer for an organization that supports criminal justice reform and an end to mass


  • Become a part of a Burke UMC team that focuses on criminal justice reform and ending mass incarceration

  • Write an article on criminal justice reform and ending mass incarceration for the Burke UMC Connections Newsletter

  • Write to legislators by clicking HERE to show your support for the Breathe Act

  • Find and join an organization that supports criminal justice reform and an end to mass incarceration


Rise Up:

  • Attend demonstrations or protests aimed at demanding criminal justice reform and an end to mass incarceration

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